Road Closures in Texas Due To Black Ice
We’re Texans. We will rebuild!
We’re Texans. We will rebuild!
For the next four years
Of why Texas needs to have Free Texans who govern themselves. We’re sick of living under the rule of those from New York and California.
The USA is too far gone to recover. The Deep State and Woke Culture get worse every day.
The Battle Cry Lives On. Secede!
The Texas Border is being flooded with illegals. This article is 3 weeks old – and a report today says that border patrol is so overwhelmed it has release most Continue Reading →
I’m not so naïve as to think it wouldn’t continue if Texas seceded, but at least the graft would stay in Texas.
Friendly reminder, that their is a new Free Texans Forum, where you can discuss the topic of what it takes for a Free Texas. Free Texans forum
There will never be a Fair Election in the USA. Obama made the Deep State Police (career people in high positions of the FBI & DOJ) strong. Biden is making Continue Reading →
Images can be front or back of T-shirts and sweatshirts. Many styles and colors for Men, Women and children. Click here to visit the Free Texans shop on Zazzle.
Reason 468 while Texas needs to Secede, so Texas will be Governed by Texans. Tired of New York, Illinois and California politics dictating law to Texas yet? Make your voices Continue Reading →
Welcome to the Republic of Texas!
Biden Loves Minors CHECK OUT THIS COLLECTION at the Old Hippie Gift Shop
Organize to get a Legitimate TexIt Vote to Texans.
Texas Needs To Save Itself before It’s Too Late!