Category Archives: National Politics

The Right Of The People
As Thomas Jefferson saw it.

Meanwhile in Democrat States
They wait for you tax dollars

Free Texans on
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that is essentially Faskebook without the Gestapo. Millions have left Facebook for MeWe, and there’s even a Planned Exodus for Continue Reading →

My Mewe Account Disappeared
So my main account Dave ‘Old Hippie’ Schultz disappeared along with a couple of dozen Groups I created, and two pages I was paying for. I can only think of Continue Reading →

Is the tool used when the lie loses its power. Click here to go there

Just One of the Many Reasons Texas Needs To TexIt
Big Tech Controls the Politicians and the Information that gets to you. They will be the first industry to ultimately over throw a government and install their people al, of Continue Reading →